Welcome you incredibly wonderful person! How do I know this? Because you are here, reading this webpage! No matter what happens next, please know that I appreciate you being here!
I’m participating in the Pikes Peak Challenge Summit Hike. A hike that is 13 miles and 7,400 vertical feet to the 14,115 foot summit of Pikes Peak! The purpose is to raise funds for the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado (BIAC).
Why am I doing this? Not only is it noble to contribute time or money to an organization that helps people, but this is also an injury that is close to my family. My father died of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), transitioning much sooner than anyone would’ve expected. He has left behind a loving family filled with nothing but fond memories of him. I am participating in this charitable challenge in his memory. Will you donate a few dollars to help me achieve my goal in memoriam of my Dad, and all those who survive with TBI?!?
Survivors of a brain injury must fight through unimaginable mental and physical challenges. There isn’t a cure for brain injuries; they don’t grow back like hair or fade like scars. While no two brain injuries are the same, they do have a few things in common. They are always present and dealing with the effects is a lifelong, day-in-day-out process. They require brain injury survivors to navigate in a brand-new world as they fight to establish a new normal.
I am reaching out to my family and friends to share my exciting commitment to participate in the 2023 Pikes Peak Challenge. This fun-filled and exciting event raises awareness for the brain injury community, while at the same time empowers both supporters and survivors as we hike, walk or roll side-by-side.
The Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado (BIAC) is the go-to resource for help and services for survivors of an injury to the brain, their families, and providers.
To reach my goal, I need your help. Please consider donating to help me reach my fundraising goal of $400. (or more!)
It’s not just me, as I am doing the hike with my good friend Sanjeev Nirmalakhandan (Jeevs). You can read his story on his fundraising page here!.
- Summit Hike
- 2023 Donohue Family
- Mom, Dad, and Barry on the Pikes Peak Hwy.
- Dad Horseback Riding
- Mom and Dad at the Manitou Cliff Dwellings.
- You are climbing what?
Barry Donohue
$50.00 -
Christine Donohue
$50.00 -
Sara and Jeremy Poshkus
$50.00 -
craig donohue
$50.00 -
Michael Donohue
$50.00 -
Steven Donohue
$50.00 -
Sanjeev Nirmalakhandan
$50.00 -
Christine Santiago
$150.00 -
Lee and Dawn Donohue